Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Dottie's Day Dreams - Christmas Time

Dottie curled up on her soft blanket beside the Dressing up Chest and she listened to the whirring of Mum’s sewing machine. Mum was very busy making costumes for the school Nativity play.  Pip was going to be a shepherd and Wilf was going to be an angel. 

The children had been excited for a very long time. It wasn’t just because they were going to be in the school play it was because they were expecting a very important visitor. Not only were they going to celebrate the birthday of the most important baby king Jesus they told Dottie that Father Christmas would be coming whilst they were asleep to bring presents for them.
This all sounded very exciting but the most important thing on Dottie’s mind as usual was food and she knew that Mum had been doing a lot of cooking lately.  Dreaming about all the wonderful food made her tummy rumble and Dottie began to wake up.
She heard Mum call “Dinner time”.  Dottie yawned and stretched and thought to herself “I like Christmas time”.
I wonder what Dottie will dream about next time.
Image courtesy of  The Graphics Fairy

Monday, 28 November 2011

Dottie's Day Dreams - In Sherwood Forest

Dottie curled up on her soft blanket beside the Dressing up Chest and she listened to the whirring of Mum’s sewing machine.  Dottie and Mum had walked in the woods that day and Dottie remembered the time Wilf dressed up as Robin Hood and asked Pip to be Maid Marion.  Pip wasn’t too keen on this idea – she preferred to be the leader in all their games.  But she gave in and told Dottie that she would have to be the Sheriff of Nottingham. Dottie didn’t know what a sheriff was and would have preferred to be one of the merry men she had heard them talk about. 
The three of them ran about in the woods. Wilf pretended to shoot things with a bow and arrow and Pip skipped through the long grass and looked up the names of the wild flowers in her nature book. 
Dottie wasn’t convinced that the Sheriff of Nottingham was the role for her and she decided to investigate what Mum had put in their picnic.   Of course once Dottie smelled cheese sandwiches that was it! She just had to tuck in!  “Oh Dottie” said Pip “with food constantly on your mind the part for you is definitely Friar Tuck!”
Dreaming about the sandwiches made her tummy rumble and Dottie began to wake up. She heard Mum call “Dinner time”.  Dottie yawned and stretched and thought to herself “I told them I should have been one of the Merry Men all along!” 
I wonder what Dottie will dream about next time.
Image courtesy of The Graphics Fairy

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Dottie's Day Dreams - The Red Cape

Dottie curled up on her soft blanket beside the Dressing up Chest and she listened to the whirring of Mum’s sewing machine. 

Dottie was particularly tired after her walk.  She had met a German Shepherd in the park.  Mum reassured Dottie that he was friendly but he looked a bit too much like a wolf for her liking. This reminded Dottie of the day Pip took her red hooded cape from the dressing up chest.  She pulled a white dolls bonnet over Dottie’s head at covered her with a blanket (Dottie didn’t mind this bit).
“What big ears you have” Pip said to Dottie.  Dottie thought  “Don’t be cheeky, I have got neat little ears”.  “What big eyes you have” Pip said.” Big enough to see the biscuits you have in that basket Pip”, Dottie thought.  “What big teeth you have” Pip said.  Dottie thought to herself – "Yes, just the job for eating those biscuits".
At this point Wilf burst into the room.  “Did somebody say biscuits” said Wilf.  Pip Shrieked “Oh Wilf! You have got it all wrong you are meant to be a wood cutter today not a pirate”. “I haven’t got time for all that” Wilf replied “let’s eat those biscuits”.  Dottie agreed that this was a good idea.  She wasn’t in the least bit big or bad like the wolf in Pip’s story.
And so they sat together on the blanket and shared the yummy biscuits.
All this dreaming about biscuits had made Dottie’s tummy rumble so when Mum called “dinner time” Dottie woke up very quickly!
I wonder what Dottie will dream about next time.

Image courtesy of The Graphics Fairy 

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Dottie's Day Dreams - At the Seaside

Dottie curled up on her soft blanket beside the Dressing up Chest and she listened to the whirring of Mum’s sewing machine.  

She started thinking about the day she went to the seaside.  She enjoyed sniffing the salty sea air and paddling in the rock pools. 

Dottie was so busy playing in the pools and jumping from rock to rock that she didn’t notice the sea water getting deeper and deeper.  The tide was coming in - Dottie doesn’t know about things like tides.
Soon she realised that she was standing on a rock surrounded by the sea.  The beach looked far away and she didn’t know how to get back to safety. She began to feel frightened and she barked at the waves as they crashed against the rock and the water got closer and closer to her paws.
After what seemed like a very long time Dottie heard voices calling her name “Hold on Dottie we are coming to rescue you!”  She looked up and saw a small boat bobbing up and down on the waves.  As the boat came nearer she could see a boy and a girl dressed in red waistcoats. “Woof woof” she barked when she realised it was Pirate Pip and Pirate Wilf.  As they steered the little boat close to the rock Dottie was standing on she prepared to jump aboard.
When she was safely in the little boat she nuzzled up to Pirate Pip who gave her a comforting pat on her head and she knew that she was one very lucky pup.

“Dinner time” Mum called.  Dottie yawned and stretched and thought to herself “Phew! It was just a dream”.

I wonder what Dottie will dream about next time.

Illustration by Claire Keay

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Dottie's Day Dreams

Dottie does a lot of day dreaming.  Welsh Terriers don’t have much to worry about!
Every morning, after her walk in the park, which is an adventure in itself, Dottie curls up on her blanket beside the Dressing up Chest and, while Mum gets on with her sewing, Dottie dreams.

I wonder what Dottie will dream about today?

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Dottie's Day Dreams

On this blog you will soon be able to read little stories to your children about Dottie and her friends Wilf and Pip who - yes, you guessed it - love to dress up!

Illustration by Claire Keay