Dottie curled up on her soft blanket beside the Dressing up Chest and she listened to the whirring of Mum’s sewing machine.
Dottie was particularly tired after her walk. She had met a German Shepherd in the park. Mum reassured Dottie that he was friendly but he looked a bit too much like a wolf for her liking. This reminded Dottie of the day Pip took her red hooded cape from the dressing up chest. She pulled a white dolls bonnet over Dottie’s head at covered her with a blanket (Dottie didn’t mind this bit).
“What big ears you have” Pip said to Dottie. Dottie thought “Don’t be cheeky, I have got neat little ears”. “What big eyes you have” Pip said.” Big enough to see the biscuits you have in that basket Pip”, Dottie thought. “What big teeth you have” Pip said. Dottie thought to herself – "Yes, just the job for eating those biscuits".
At this point Wilf burst into the room. “Did somebody say biscuits” said Wilf. Pip Shrieked “Oh Wilf! You have got it all wrong you are meant to be a wood cutter today not a pirate”. “I haven’t got time for all that” Wilf replied “let’s eat those biscuits”. Dottie agreed that this was a good idea. She wasn’t in the least bit big or bad like the wolf in Pip’s story.
And so they sat together on the blanket and shared the yummy biscuits.
All this dreaming about biscuits had made Dottie’s tummy rumble so when Mum called “dinner time” Dottie woke up very quickly!
I wonder what Dottie will dream about next time.
Image courtesy of The Graphics Fairy